




Everyone loves a good party; Parties are especially appealing for singles looking to meet.  Reality shows are the top shows on TV today. The Soulmate cocktail party will capture the reality of the singles party scene. The timing for this type of show is NOW!

 We will design separate parties for each age group.  We have the millennials, the generation X, 45ish and the baby boomers. Thus giving the show mass appeal. We will have a camera following our hosts and filming the interactions with the guests.

 The party guests can be initially invited through ads and personal invites but mostly taken from the web site of “thesoulmateconnection.com”

 In time, this site will be converted to a dating site, couples will be able to find possible suitable matches through the use of the psychic sciences.

Initially our parties will be in New York City and will eventually expand to other cities in the country.

 If you are interested in  joining us on our beginning parties please email  us at jordanaco@aol.com. Include your name and age group….millennieal, generation X and the baby boomers……and include a photo. We will add you to the party list…Some  will have a free entry and limited in number and others will have an entry fee.